Were u able to decipher that? It’s not one of those read-between-the-lines-stuff. Neither is it hieroglyphics nor Adinkra. You should be able to make that out. Whenever his facial muscles quickly paint that mischievous grin, mine reply with a grimace; like clockwork. The grin? The harbinger of that etched pain about to be awoken. My fears are confirmed when he asks me to visit that ‘space’. Sometimes i wonder if they take delight in sending people to that room.

I look on the card and…Jeez!!! Three!!! One here, one there and the last one… left to her (usually it’s a her) discretion (how i go mana walk????*&%#@). What i for do? Just grin and bear says the ceiling. In the queue, mostly children with their mums; two boys, a girl, a baby, a man, a woman and the just arrived me. The first boy’s buried his face into the mum’s bosom, seeking refuge (he’s the next you see). The mum tells him to stop crying and draw inspiration from the boy next to him, who is wearing this “kpemi” face of Arnold Schwazenegger (boy, i miss him *sigh*) from the Terminator movie series. I bet he has a bet with his friends back home that he wasn’t going to cry. The girl’s nibbling at this big brofot (now when i say one big brofot, i mean one B.I.G one) and constantly pushing back phlegm. There are dried streaks of meandered streams on her face. The baby looks on unconcerned, oblivious of what was going on. Ignorance is bliss u know. We’ll soon see if she wouldn’t open that small mouth of hers, displaying the only the only tooth for the world to see. The children’s fears are being compounded by the screams from within. I could hear their hearts thump, gradually becoming music. My levity’s good huh?

The crying boy comes out crying, the Schwazenegger boy comes out with the same face as before, but walking as if his two legs were tied with a short string ( he’s trying to suppress the pain you know. Remember when your teacher beats you on the butt and you try supressing the pain? Umm hmmmm). The brofot girl comes out hardly able to walk but still clutched onto her dear brofot. And the baby? Like I said earlier.

Now it’s my turn! I enter and meet this ‘Coca-Cola faced’ woman with an angry look as if she was Atlas tired of his job. This woman no go break that thing for my body inside? I wonder were all the fine looking ones have gone to (at least to ‘reduce’ the pain). Mchtweeew!!! I lower my @*&^$@^^@ ^!$%@& (dont ask me. i typed the thing but it refused to appear) and position my self and wait for it…wait for it… wait for it… AHHH!!! She’s there Facebooking!!!!n

By the way that’s a syringe- the title i mean. 🙂